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7:00 AM | **A much cooler air mass headed to the Mid-Atlantic region this weekend**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **A much cooler air mass headed to the Mid-Atlantic region this weekend**

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, PA metro region


Early morning patchy fog possible then mainly sunny skies, not quite as warm as recent days, highs in the mid-to-upper 70’s; Calm in the morning; S winds in the afternoon around 5-10 mph


Becoming mainly cloudy, cool, a shower is possible late and there can be some patchy fog, lows in the lower 60’s


Mainly cloudy, comfortable temperatures, chance of showers, low-to-mid 70’s for afternoon highs

Friday Night             

Mainly cloudy, cool, occasional showers likely, maybe a thunderstorm, near 60 degrees for late night lows


Mainly cloudy, cooler, occasional showers likely, maybe a thunderstorm, mid 60’s for afternoon highs; turns windy and much colder at night


A mix of sun and clouds, windy, quite cool, mid 50’s


Mainly sunny, still quite cool, mid-to-upper 50’s


Mainly sunny, cool, near 60 degrees


While high pressure shifts off the coast today, it’ll remain close enough to generate another decent day in the Mid-Atlantic region with afternoon high temperatures here well up in the 70’s. A strong cold front will approach the area later tomorrow and there will be an increasing chance of showers as we end the work week. The strong cold front should pass through the region on Saturday and winds will pick up noticeably at night with the influx of the coldest air mass of the fall season so far. Winds will remain an important factor on Sunday as the overall pressure gradient field tightens across the northeastern states as Tropical Storm Philippe merges with this incoming upper-level trough system. Temperatures on Sunday are liable to be confined to the 50’s for highs and the stiff NW wind will make it feel even colder than the actual air temperature. Cooler-than-normal weather is likely to persist for much of next week in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather