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6:15 AM | ***Some wild weather late Sunday/Sunday night***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:15 AM | ***Some wild weather late Sunday/Sunday night***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Partly sunny, slightly milder, highs in the upper 40’s; Light and variable winds


Partly cloudy, cold, patchy fog possible late, lows near 35 degrees


Clouds and limited sun, cool, lower 50’s for afternoon highs

Saturday Night             

Mainly cloudy, chilly, near 40 degrees for late night lows


Mainly cloudy, becoming windy and much milder, periods of rain in the afternoon and some of it can become heavy late in the day and at night, maybe a strong thunderstorm, lower 60’s for afternoon highs, but temperatures could tumble late Sunday night and there can be a brief changeover to snow in the far northern and western suburbs


Partly sunny, windy, much colder, a few showers still possible, mid-to-upper 40’s


Partly sunny, cold, mid 40’s


Mainly sunny, cold, mid 40’s


Some wild weather is coming to the NYC metro region late Sunday/Sunday night with heavy rain, powerful winds, squall line with thunderstorms, tumbling temperatures, and even a changeover to snow all on the table; primarily, in those areas well to the north and west of the metro area.

It turns milder today and the mild conditions will continue through much of the day on Sunday. A strong cold front will slowly slide eastward on Sunday and low pressure will intensify along the frontal boundary zone. Ahead of the cold front, rain will break out on Sunday and become heavy at times by Sunday night. Winds will become a big factor as well with potentially damaging wind gusts; especially, along coastal sections during this late weekend event. After the passage of the cold front, temperatures will tumble later Sunday night and the rain can transition to snow for a brief time in the far northern and western suburbs. The weather settles down on Monday, but it’ll remain moderately cold through much of the first half of next week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather