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7:00 AM | *Still feeling the effects of a slow-moving, weakened tropical system*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Still feeling the effects of a slow-moving, weakened tropical system*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Mainly cloudy, breezy and still quite cool with well below-normal temperatures for this time of year, occasional light rain or drizzle, highs in the lower 60’s (normal high is now 74 degrees at Central Park); N-NE winds around 10-15 mph


Mainly cloudy, cool, breezy, chance of showers, lows in the mid-to-upper 50’s


Mainly cloudy, still cool and breezy with a chance of showers, lower 60’s for afternoon highs

Tuesday Night             

Mainly cloudy, chilly, near 50 degrees for late night lows


Mainly sunny, cool, mid-to-upper 60’s  


Partly sunny, cool, chance of showers, upper 60’s 


Mainly sunny, breezy, cool, chance of showers, near 70 degrees 


Mainly sunny, breezy, comfortable, lower 70’s


The weakened remains of Tropical Storm Ophelia will drift only slowly away from the area during the next couple of days and we’ll continue to experience cool, damp conditions with occasional light rain or drizzle. High pressure builds across southeastern Canada at mid-week and this will result in the return of some sunshine along with continued cool weather conditions, but another upper-level trough makes it somewhat unsettled here late in the week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather