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7:00 AM | *Chance for some freezing rain late tonight in N/W suburbs...wet and milder during the second half of the week with a surge in temperatures on Friday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Chance for some freezing rain late tonight in N/W suburbs...wet and milder during the second half of the week with a surge in temperatures on Friday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, PA metro region


Mainly cloudy, chilly, highs in the lower 40’s; W winds around 5-10 mph


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance of rain late and it can freeze on some surfaces in the suburbs, patchy fog possible as well, lows in the lower 30’s


Mainly cloudy, chilly, occasional rain, maybe some fog as well, lower 40’s for afternoon highs with even lower wind chills

Wednesday Night             

Mainly cloudy, cold, occasional rain, maybe some fog as well, upper 30’s for late night lows


Mainly cloudy, milder, occasional rain, lower 50’s


Mainly cloudy, quite mild, chance of rain, near 60 degrees


Mainly cloudy, a bit colder, chance of rain, near 50 degrees


Mainly cloudy, colder, occasional rain, slight chance the rain mixes with snow and/or ice at night before ending, lower 40’s


Strong high pressure system will push off the eastern seaboard today opening the door for moisture to push northeastward from the Gulf of Mexico and into the northern Ohio Valley. From there, the moisture will slide eastward later tonight bringing us the chance for late night rain and it could freeze on some surfaces across the northern and western suburbs. On Wednesday - and also during the days on Thursday and Friday - it should be warm enough for just plain rain to fall throughout the metro region. Indeed, the warmest day of the week is likely to be on Friday at which time afternoon temperatures might peak near the 60 degree mark. The weekend begins on a mild note, but it turns colder by Sunday and low pressure is likely to bring us some rain to close out the weekend.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather