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6:30 AM | ***Severe thunderstorms on the table for later today and tonight***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:30 AM | ***Severe thunderstorms on the table for later today and tonight***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Partly sunny, becoming hot and noticeably more humid than yesterday, chance of late day showers and thunderstorms, some of the storms can be severe, highs in the low-to-mid 90’s; SW winds around 5-10 mph


Chance of evening showers and thunderstorms, some of the storms can be severe, mostly cloudy skies, mild, lows near 70 degrees


Becoming mainly sunny, warm, lowering humidity levels, cannot rule out an early day shower, mid-to-upper 80’s for afternoon highs

Thursday Night             

Mainly clear, mild, near 65 degrees for late night lows


Mainly sunny, warm, still comfortable humidity levels, lower 80’s


Partly sunny, quite warm, more humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms late in the day and at night, middle 80’s


Partly sunny, quite warm, humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms, near 90 degrees


Mainly sunny, warm, less humid, low-to-mid 80’s


Several ingredients will come together late today and early tonight to produce the chance of severe thunderstorm activity in the Mid-Atlantic region. The combination of an approaching cool front, higher heat and humidity, a strong low-level jet, and a vigorous upper-level trough will result in showers and thunderstorms from later this afternoon into the late evening hours and any storm can reach severe levels with potential damaging wind gusts, heavy rainfall, and large hail. In addition, strong wind shear is expected to develop in this environment and this ingredient can result in isolated tornadoes; especially, across NE PA and NW NJ. The surface cool front will move offshore by early tomorrow morning paving the way for lowering humidity levels on Thursday to go along with decreasing cloud cover. Another cool front can bring somewhat of a repeat performance of this type of weather on Saturday night and Sunday with the chance of additional showers and strong-to-severe thunderstorms.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather