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6:30 AM | *An unsettled weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region with the chance for some downpours...very nice air mass for Tuesday and Wednesday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:30 AM | *An unsettled weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region with the chance for some downpours...very nice air mass for Tuesday and Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Partly sunny, quite warm, a couple of showers are possible, highs in the upper 80’s; S winds around 5 mph


Mainly cloudy, mild, slight chance of late night showers and thunderstorms, lows near 70 degrees


Clouds and limited sun, not as warm, humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms, some of the rain can be heavy at times, lower 80’s for afternoon highs

Saturday Night             

Mainly cloudy, mild, muggy, chance of showers and thunderstorms, some of the rain can be heavy at times, upper 60’s for late night lows


Mainly cloudy, warm, humid, chance of showers and thunderstorms, some of the rain can be heavy at times, near 80 degrees


Partly sunny, warm, chance of showers and thunderstorms, low-to-mid 80’s


Partly sunny, very comfortable, cannot rule out a shower, mid-to-upper 70’s


Mainly sunny, pleasant, mid-to-upper 70’s


High pressure that has been in control of our weather for much of this week has now shifted off the coast and this repositioning will open the door to more humid air and the return of shower and thunderstorm activity. The shower and thunderstorm activity can begin late tonight and should continue on an occasional basis on both weekend days and some of the rain can be heavy at times. Temperatures will climb to quite warm levels later this afternoon with highs in the upper 80’s, but they should be confined to the lower 80’s on Saturday and Sunday largely as a result of the expected copious amounts of clouds. A cold front that will be trailing low pressure to our north this weekend will push through here later Monday and it’ll usher in a beautiful air mass for Tuesday and Wednesday of next week with comfortable temperatures and humidity levels.

Elsewhere, Hurricane Ernesto will impact Bermuda on Saturday and then likely maintain hurricane strength for awhile later in the weekend as it pushes towards the Atlantic Canada. While the center of Ernesto will be well to the east this weekend, there can be rough surf and rip tides up and down the east coast on both weekend days.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather