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6:15 AM | ****Occasional heavy showers, embedded thunderstorms, more flooding potential, strong winds, isolated tornadoes...tropical depression passes by to our west...meteor shower****


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:15 AM | ****Occasional heavy showers, embedded thunderstorms, more flooding potential, strong winds, isolated tornadoes...tropical depression passes by to our west...meteor shower****

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Mainly cloudy, warmer, humid, occasional heavy showers and embedded thunderstorms, some of the rain can be heavy with additional flooding potential, highs in the lower 80’s; E-SE winds increasing to 10-20 mph; gusts to 45 mph


Mainly cloudy in the evening with occasional showers and possible thunderstorms, some of the rain can be heavy, some clearing after midnight, mild, humid, windy, lows in the lower 70’s


Becoming mainly sunny after a possible early day shower, comfortably warm, quite breezy, low-to-mid 80’s for afternoon highs

Saturday Night             

Mainly clear, mild, middle 60’s for late night lows


Mainly sunny, comfortably warm, lower 80’s


Mainly sunny, comfortably warm, lower 80’s


Mainly sunny, comfortably warm, low-to-mid 80’s


Mainly sunny, warm, middle 80’s


A tropical depression will pass well to the west of here around mid-day bringing additional heavy showers, embedded thunderstorms, more flooding potential, and strong winds through the evening hours…isolated tornadoes are also on the table. Scattered power outages are possible given the combination of saturated grounds and wind gusts potentially up to 45 mph or so. The tropical system will continue its acceleration to the north-northeast that began late yesterday and, as such, will clear out of here by late tonight leading to big improvement on Saturday and also nice weather on Sunday. In fact, the nice weather that begins here early this weekend should continue right into the middle part of next week.

On another note, the annual Perseid meteor shower will peak late this Sunday night and early Monday morning and weather conditions should be quite favorable for viewing. For more details on the meteor shower, check out the blog here.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather