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6:15 AM | ***Hurricane Helene headed to Florida's Gulf coast likely as a "major"...makes landfall early tonight then pushes northward through Georgia***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:15 AM | ***Hurricane Helene headed to Florida's Gulf coast likely as a "major"...makes landfall early tonight then pushes northward through Georgia***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Huntsville, Alabama metro region


Becoming mainly cloudy, mild, muggy, breezy, chance of rain late in the afternoon, highs in the upper 70’s; E-NE winds increasing to 10-20 mph


Mainly cloudy, mild, muggy, breezy, good chance of rain and embedded thunderstorms, some of the rain will be heavy, lows in the middle 60’s


Mainly cloudy, windy, mild, muggy, chance of showers and thunderstorms, some of the rain can be heavy at times, lower 70’s for afternoon highs  

Friday Night             

Mainly cloudy, mild, breezy, chance of rain and thunderstorms, some of the rain can be heavy at times, low-to-mid 60’s for late night lows


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of rain, low-to-mid 70’s


Partly sunny, a bit warmer, maybe some more rain, near 80 degrees


Mainly sunny, warm, chance of showers, near 80 degrees


Mainly sunny, warm, lower 80’s


All eyes today on the Gulf of Mexico where Hurricane Helene will intensify as it pushes to in a north-to-northeast direction putting it on a collision course with Florida’s Gulf coast. Hurricane Helene should make landfall early tonight in the “Big Bend” region of Florida’s Gulf coast likely as a category 3 “major” storm; however, climbing to a category 4 designation is on the table.

After landfall, Hurricane Helene will initially push in a northward direction bringing its hurricane-force winds and heavy rainfall to the state of Georgia. Ultimately, the remnants of Hurricane Helene will be forced to turn north and west and towards the Middle Mississippi Valley region due to very strong “blocking” high pressure to the north over Canada. Excessive rainfall amounts can spread throughout much of the southern Appalachians as upsloping winds will enhance upward motion and likely result in some tremendous amounts of rainfall.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather