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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | After a milder day to start the week, it'll turn noticeably colder for today

Paul Dorian

After a milder day to start the new work week, a reinforcing cold front passed through the region in the overnight hours and we’ll turn much cooler again today with highs confined to the low-to-mid 40’s.  As skies clear tonight, temperatures could very well bottom out in the middle 20’s and won’t climb past the mid 40’s on Wednesday.  Another cold front is likely to push through our area on Thursday as low pressure drops southeastward from the Great Lakes and into the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | Milder to start the week

Paul Dorian

The cold pattern we’ve experienced in recent days will relax some today to start the new work week.  As a result, the Tennessee Valley will see high temperatures in the 50’s, but the warm up will only be temporary.  High temperatures at mid-week will drop back down into the 40’s as another chilly air mass pushes into the eastern US.

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6:00 AM | *Cold pattern continues for the foreseeable future*

Paul Dorian

A very cold day is in store for the Tennessee Valley as a deep upper-level trough intensifies over the eastern US.  Temperatures will struggle this afternoon to reach the 40 degree mark and then drop to overnight lows in the 20’s.  This chilly pattern will continue through the weekend and reinforcing cold air will arrive by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Colder pattern keeps us in the 40's next few days*

Paul Dorian

A cold day is in store for the Tennessee Valley as a deep upper-level trough intensifies in the eastern US.  Temperatures should be limited to the 40’s once again for highs as a stiff breeze pumps in cold air from the north.  Low pressure will form tomorrow near the Southeast US coastline, but its precipitation field is likely to stay just to our east.  Even colder air will pour into the region later tomorrow and tomorrow night as a cold front passes through the region.

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7:00 AM | *Colder pattern begins today*

Paul Dorian

A major pattern change to cold begins today following the passage of a strong cold frontal system and temperatures this afternoon will be noticeably colder than yesterday’s mild conditions.  This change to cold will be rather sustained with a good chance for below-normal temperatures on average from this point through most, if not all, of the month of December.  This initial shot of cold air will feature an intensifying trough of low pressure in the eastern US with plenty of waves of energy rotating through and each system will attempt to generate low pressure near the east coast.  As a result, the threat for some rain and/or snow shower activity will persist from later this week through the early part of the weekend.  Signs point to an even colder air mass to arrive next week in the eastern US which will be way below-normal for this time of year.

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7:00 AM | *Rain signals the beginning of a major pattern change to cold*

Paul Dorian

A major pattern change is going to take place around here over the next couple of days and it will lead to a sustained period of colder-than-normal temperatures.  The strong cold front that will usher in the initial cold shot in this unfolding pattern change will produce rain around here from today into early tomorrow and there can be a thunderstorm mixed in as well.  On Wednesday, the wind will pick up out of the northwest and the colder air mass will pour into the Tennessee Valley and actually reach way down into the Deep South.  An intensifying upper-level trough in the eastern US will have lots of energy rotating around it late this week and this weekend and there is the potential for low pressure to form near the east coast which could result in some snow or rain showers around here.  Another cold air outbreak is destined to arrive next week and it looks to be even colder than this initial blast and way below-normal for this time of year. 

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7:00 AM | Nice day to begin the new work week

Paul Dorian

A big pattern change is coming to the Tennessee Valley at mid-week and will bring about a period of sustained cold for the region.  A strong cold front will approach on Tuesday accompanied by showers and perhaps a thunderstorm or two.  Colder air will arrive by Wednesday and will stick around for awhile.  A storm is likely to form near the east coast late in the week and it could throw some rain back into northern Alabama.

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7:00 AM | Nice weekend coming for the beginning of December, but cold pattern begins later next week

Paul Dorian

A cold front will slide through the Tennessee Valley today and bring us some shower activity and slightly cooler conditions for the end of the week.  Rain amounts are likely to be rather light with below a quarter of an inch in most sections as upper-level forcing is not all that strong.  High pressure will build into the region on Friday and the weekend is looking quite decent for the start of December.

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7:00 AM | Well-above normal temperatures today with highs in the upper 60's

Paul Dorian

High pressure has pushed off the Mid-Atlantic coastline and this has pushed milder air into the region riding in on low-level southerly winds.  Today is likely to see the peak temperature of the week with afternoon highs not far from the 70 degree mark.  A cold front will slide through the Tennessee Valley on Thursday and bring about a slightly cooler air mass for the region as we close out the work week.

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