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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *The 80's for highs to last right through the upcoming weekend*

Paul Dorian

Nearby high pressure will be in control of the weather around here for the next few days and temperatures are likely to climb well up into the 80’s on a daily basis right through the upcoming weekend. The passage of a series of cold fronts will bring about big-time changes in temperatures around here early next week with much cooler conditions expected by Tuesday and Wednesday.

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7:00 AM | *Weekend to begin a stretch of nice weather*

Paul Dorian

The threat of showers returns today as a system moves eastward across the middle of the country. By later tonight and Friday, an influx of moisture from the Gulf region will increase instability around here and the chance of thunderstorms will return. On Friday night, a cold front will slide across the area and the rain threat will diminish from west-to-east paving the way for a stretch of nice weather in the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *May be setting up for quite a nice weekend*

Paul Dorian

Today looks to be dry and comfortable in northern Alabama, but the threat of showers returns on Thursday as a system moves eastward across the western states. By tomorrow, an influx of moisture from the Gulf region will increase instability around here and the chance of thunderstorms will return. At the end of the week, a cold front slides across the area and the rain threat will diminish from west-to-east likely paving the way for a nice weekend in the Tennessee Valley.

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