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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *High temperatures generally confined to the 80's during the next several days*

Paul Dorian

The high heat of earlier this week is gone from the area and the next several days will likely feature high temperatures generally in the 80’s...much more seasonal compared to recent days when the 90’s were commonplace. The weather will remain somewhat unsettled going forward with a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms through the weekend and into the first part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Highs generally in the 80's during the next several days*

Paul Dorian

The high heat of earlier this week is gone from the area and the next several days will likely feature high temperatures generally in the 80’s...much more seasonal compared to recent days when the 90’s were commonplace. The weather will remain somewhat unsettled going forward with a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms through the upcoming weekend and into the first part of next week.

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7:00 AM | ***The hottest stretch of weather so far this season with upper 90's on the table for afternoon highs***

Paul Dorian

The hottest stretch of weather so far this summer season is coming to the Huntsville metro region from today through the middle of next week. In fact, temperatures could soar to the middle or upper 90’s on any day from tomorrow through Wednesday of next week and that is after the low-to-mid 90’s of this afternoon. In terms of rainfall, it looks mainly rain-free through this hot stretch with only isolated-to-scattered thunderstorms on the table for the afternoon and evening hours.

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7:00 AM | **A stretch of very hot weather from Friday through Monday***

Paul Dorian

The hottest stretch of weather so far this summer season is coming to the Huntsville metro region from late this week through the upcoming weekend. In fact, temperatures could soar to the middle or upper 90’s on any day from Friday through Monday. In terms of rainfall, it looks mainly rain-free through this hot period with only isolated-to-scattered thunderstorms on the table for the afternoon and evening hours this upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Quite hot and humid for the Independence Day holiday across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

The main weather theme during the next several days will be hot and humid with an occasional shower or thunderstorm. In fact, temperatures are likely to reach 90+ degrees on a daily basis through the first half of next week and here - on this Independence Day – they can climb all the way into the upper 90’s. There can be an isolated late day or evening thunderstorm and this threat will hold true for the next few days as well.

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