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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: DEN

7:00 AM | *A nice weekend shaping up for the Denver metro area...wetter, cooler pattern next week*

Paul Dorian

A warming trend kicks into high gear today and it’ll lead to a couple of very pleasant days this weekend in the Denver metro region. In fact, after highs in the 60’s on Thursday, temperatures should peak in the upper 70’s each of the next three afternoons. The overall pattern turns wetter and cooler next week with the threat of showers returning to the region.  

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7:00 AM | *Great day for the Rockies home opener (2pm) and winds will be a big factor (blowing out)*

Paul Dorian

The Denver area enjoyed a warm day on Thursday and it’ll remain so today as well with afternoon highs in the low-to-mid 70’s…a good day for the Rockies home opener at 2:10pm. The winds will be a big factor today with gusts to 40 mph possible and it remains very windy well into the upcoming weekend. Temperatures will take a plunge on Saturday following the passage of a cold front with the 70’s today being replaced with the upper 40’s for highs as we begin the weekend and there can be rain and/or snow showers.

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7:00 AM | *A couple more mild days around here, but then it turns colder for the weekend with the chance of rain and/or snow showers returning to the region*

Paul Dorian

The next couple of days looks rather mild across the area and winds will be a noticeable factor as well. The dry, warm, and breezy conditions will end early in the weekend as colder air pushes in from the west and the change in temperatures will come with the chance of rain and/or snow showers.

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7:00 AM | *Dry, breezy, quite mild conditions next few days...colder this weekend with the return of showers*

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the week looks rather mild across the area and winds will be a noticeable factor as well. An upper-level ridge of high pressure will be the catalyst for improving weather conditions as it builds over the Rocky Mountain States during the next couple of days. The dry, warm, and breezy conditions will continue into the weekend, but then cooler conditions will return to the region.

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7:00 AM | *Remainder of the week features dry, breezy and mild weather conditions*

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the week looks rather mild across the area and winds will be a noticeable factor as well. An upper-level ridge of high pressure will be the catalyst for improving weather conditions as it builds over the Rocky Mountain States during the next couple of days. The dry, warm and breezy conditions will lead to increasing wildfire danger as we progress into the late week time period.

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7:00 AM | **Much colder air to greet the new week with a combo of rain and snow, but a big turnaround for the second half**

Paul Dorian

Much colder air will greet the new week in the Denver metro area with nearby low pressure likely producing a combo of rain and snow and thunder may mix in as well. It’ll stay in the 40’s for highs today and winds will be quite gusty making it feel even colder than the actual air temperatures. It turns much milder on Tuesday and downright pleasantly warm later this week with 70+ degrees on the table for Thursday and Friday.

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