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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Nice couple of days then hot and humid weekend

Paul Dorian

A cool front passed through the region overnight and high pressure from the Great Lakes will gradually edge eastward over the next couple of days. This high pressure system will provide comfortable conditions for the next couple of days with lowering humidity values and seasonal temperatures. Last night was a humid night for Cliff Lee to pitch his 3rd straight shutout, but tonight should be a great night for another Phillies/Red Sox game in South Philly. As the high pressure area slips off the east coast this holiday weekend heat and humidity will return and there will be an increased chance for a daily thunderstorm, but most of the time will be rain-free. Elsewhere, the first tropical storm has formed, Arlene, and it will move from the southwestern Gulf of Mexico into eastern Mexico over the next couple of days. Today- mostly sunny with lowering humidity, warm, low-to-mid 80’s

Tonight- mainly clear, pleasant, upper 50’s

Thurs- quite nice with mainly sunny skies and pleasant temperatures, near 80

Fri- mainly sunny, warmer, mid 80’s

Sat- partly sunny, hot and humid with the slight chance for a thunderstorm, low 90’s

Sun- partly sunny, very warm and humid with the threat for a thunderstorm, low-to-mid 90’s

Mon- partly sunny, hot and humid, chance for a thunderstorm, low 90’s