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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

8:45 AM "Typical" July weekend; could get very hot late next week

Paul Dorian

The work week will close out on a nice note with sunshine and pleasant temperatures and humidity levels. As we progress through the weekend the heat and humidity will gradually increase to more “typical” July levels, but it won’t be anything too excessive. Temperatures here on Monday and Tuesday are likely to reach the 90’s and a thunderstorm is possible Monday night or Tuesday with a weak frontal system. Looking ahead, there are signs for a major heat wave in the East by late next week. Excessive heat will expand throughout the middle of the country early next week and then that air mass could very well expand into the Mid-Atlantic by around Thursday or Friday. Elsewhere, State College will enjoy nice weather today and tomorrow for their annual Arts Festival, and then Sunday presents a slight chance for a thunderstorm up there. Today- sunny, pleasant, mid 80’s

Tonight- clear, comfortable, lows near 60

Sat- mostly sunny, a bit warmer and more humid, upper 80’s

Sun- mostly sunny, very warm and even more humid, near 90

Mon- partly sunny, hot and more humid, near 90; chance for a shower or thunderstorm at night

Tues- partly sunny, hot and humid, chance for a shower or thunderstorm, low 90’s

Wed- partly sunny, very warm and humid, near 90