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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

10:00 AM | Coastal storm pulls away; Arctic front blasts in late today; slick roads possible tonight

Paul Dorian


This complex weekend event is proceeding on schedule with “phase 1” now winding down and “phase 2” about to begin. “Phase 1” has been associated with a coastal storm that is now pulling away after producing some snow around here in “marginally cold” air with little or no wind. “Phase 2” will develop later this afternoon, after a brief “lull” in the action that could include some brightening skies, and it will continue right through tonight. This second phase will be associated with a powerful intrusion of Arctic air and it will feature dropping temperatures, increasingly strong N to NW winds and occasional snow showers that can even include a brief heavy bursts of snow. The quick drop in temperatures late today and tonight can cause some “freeze-up” conditions on the roadways all the down way to the coast. Temperatures will drop through the 20’s overnight and will bottom out in the mid-to-upper teens by Sunday morning. Total snowfall accumulations by later tonight from both phases of this event will be in the 1-3 inch range. The rest of Sunday will remain very cold and windy with wicked wind chills and highs struggling to reach 30 degrees and there can be another snow shower or two. More snow is possible late Tuesday.