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7:00 AM | *Major storm potential for Sunday in the Mid-Atlantic*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Major storm potential for Sunday in the Mid-Atlantic*

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly cloudy, a bit cooler than yesterday, cannot rule out a few showers, highs near 60 degrees


Becoming mainly clear, cold, lows in the lower 40’s


Mainly sunny, cool, lower 60’s for afternoon highs

Friday Night

Mainly clear, chilly, lows near 45 degrees by morning


Increasing clouds, not as cool, upper 60’s


Cloudy, windy, cool, periods of rain, some of the rain can be heavy, low-to-mid 60’s


Becoming partly sunny, windy, quite cool, cannot rule out a shower, mid-to-upper 50’s


Partly sunny, cool, breezy, upper 50’s


The wild weather pattern that we talked about last week has begun to unfold and the eastern US will have some very interesting weather later this weekend and early next week. A significant rain event is increasingly likely for the Mid-Atlantic region late in the weekend as deep upper-level low pressure forms in the eastern US and strong surface low pressure develops near the coastline. This potential major coastal storm may very well be juiced up by tropical moisture as the western Caribbean Sea is currently showing some life and this particular tropical system may just ride up along the east coast and get entrained into the coastal storm. In the meantime, cold air will be charging to the southeast by the latter part of the weekend across the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes. This incoming cold air mass will also get involved in the overall pattern and the result could be some snow accumulation in the higher elevations of West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania. The colder-than-normal air that arrives on Monday in the I-95 corridor behind the passage of a strong cold front looks like it’ll stick around for awhile including for Halloween day (Tuesday). In fact, the first half of November is likely to feature multiple cold air outbreaks for the central and eastern US.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.