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7:00 AM | **Winter's comeback with snow today, Arctic weekend cold and monster storm threat late Monday night/Tuesday**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Winter's comeback with snow today, Arctic weekend cold and monster storm threat late Monday night/Tuesday**

Paul Dorian

6-Day Philly Forecast


Snow overspreads the area this morning and continues into the mid-day to early afternoon hours, there is a chance that it begins as rain in some areas, but, if so, it would quickly change to snow, a couple of snow showers possible later this afternoon, maybe even a heavier snow squall, roads can become slippery during periods of heavier snowfall, windy and cold, upper 30’s for highs early


Becoming partly cloudy, windy and very cold, lows by morning in the middle teens


Mainly sunny, brisk, very cold for this time of year, near 30 degrees for highs (normal high at PHL is 50 degrees)

Saturday Night

Mainly cloudy, very cold, upper teens


Partly sunny, still very cold for this time of year, low 30’s


Sun followed by late day increasing clouds, cold, mid 30’s; chance for snow at night


Cloudy, brisk, cold, chance for snow, mid 30’s


Mainly sunny, windy, very cold, low 30’s


Low pressure that has formed along an Arctic frontal boundary zone is now pushing to the east and colder air has worked into the region from the north-to-the-south. Snow should overspread the area this morning and last into the mid-day or early afternoon hours and there can be a couple of late afternoon snow showers – perhaps even a heavier snow squall - with total snow accumulations possible on the order of 2-4 inches. After Arctic cold air floods the area tonight and Saturday, the next storm system will be suppressed well to the south - sparing the region of any late weekend snowfall. A third and potential monster storm is likely to develop near the Mid-Atlantic coastline in the late Monday night or Tuesday time frame and it could intensify rapidly near the coastline with lots of cold air in place – in other words, lots of snow potential. Stay tuned, one of the trends to watch over the next few days will the exact storm track as one just inland could bring enough warmer air in from the ocean for a changeover of snow-to-rain along and east of I-95.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

Vencore, Inc.