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7:00 AM | Another cold day, but without the wind and there will be plenty of sunshine


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | Another cold day, but without the wind and there will be plenty of sunshine

Paul Dorian

6-Day NYC Forecast


Mainly sunny, light winds only today, but still quite cold for this time of year, highs in the low 40’s


Partly cloudy, cold, but not as harsh as last night, lows not far from 30 degrees


Mainly cloudy with a bit of rain or a wintry mix possible in the morning then becoming windy and milder during the afternoon with late day highs near 50 degrees

Friday Night

Mainly cloudy, chilly, mid 40’s


Mainly cloudy, breezy, warmer, cannot rule out a couple of showers, near 60 degrees


Mainly cloudy, colder, chance for rain late in the day or at night, mid 40’s


Mainly cloudy, cool, chance for more rain, low 50’s


Mainly cloudy, cool with the chance for rain, low 50's


Arctic high pressure will move directly overhead today and this will result in a dramatic reduction in winds compared to yesterday as the pressure gradient relaxes throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. There will be a rebound in temperatures on Friday as the high pressure system pushes off the east coast and a southwesterly flow of air develops in the region. This transition to milder weather may be accompanied by a touch of rain or a wintry mix tomorrow morning, but nothing significant is expected. By Saturday afternoon, temperatures should climb towards the 60 degree mark; however, it’ll chill down once again on Sunday and Monday and there will be a pretty good chance for some rain shower activity on both days.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

Vencore, Inc.