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7:00 AM | *Active weather pattern brings another significant rain event here on Friday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Active weather pattern brings another significant rain event here on Friday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


Becoming partly-to-mostly sunny, breezy and a bit cooler, highs in the mid 60’s (normal high at DCA is 60 degrees)


Mainly clear and colder, lows in the upper 30’s


Mainly sunny early, some clouds late, quite cool, low-to-mid 50’s

Thursday Night

Becoming mainly cloudy with a chance of rain late, chilly, lower 40’s


Periods of rain and it can be a soaking rain event, cool, mid-to-upper 50’s


Mainly cloudy, milder, low 60's


Mainly sunny, mild, low 60’s


Partly sunny, mild, low 60’s


Yesterday’s rain and thunderstorm activity in the Mid-Atlantic region is just the opening round in what is looking like a very active weather pattern for much of the nation in the foreseeable future. The next ten days or so will feature wave-after-wave traveling across the country in a general west-to-east fashion and each one can produce snow over the Rockies and New England, severe weather in the central and southern states, and significant rain in the Mid-Atlantic region. In fact, its been somewhat dry in recent weeks in much of the south-central and eastern US and these are the regions that are most likely to get pounded with significant rainfall in this unfolding active weather pattern. The next event is already taking shape and likely to arrive here on Friday. The late week event is likely to become a significant rain producer for the Mid-Atlantic region with up to two inches possible in parts of the I-95 corridor from Friday into Saturday. Beyond that, it appears the next wave in a series of waves will arrive here around next Tuesday of next week and this too has the potential of resulting in some soaking rainfall for the Mid-Atlantic region, and then yet another one could follow by the end of next week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

Vencore, Inc.