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7:00 AM | *Wet stretch of weather begins this afternoon...coastal storm on the way for Friday night and Saturday with a soaking rain*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Wet stretch of weather begins this afternoon...coastal storm on the way for Friday night and Saturday with a soaking rain*

Paul Dorian

6-Day Philly Forecast


Thickening clouds, still on the cool side for this time of year, afternoon showers are likely, highs in the low 60’s


Cloudy, chilly, showers are still possible, lows in the upper 40’s


Cloudy, cool, a bit of light rain or drizzle at times, near 60 degrees

Friday Night

Periods of rain, heavy at times, chilly, upper 40’s


Rain, heavy at times, breezy, quite cool, mid-to-upper 50's


More clouds than sun, quite breezy and cool, cannot rule out a couple of showers, mid 60’s


Partly sunny, cool, mid-to-upper 60’s


Mainly sunny, seasonably mild, near 70 degrees


A wet stretch of weather is coming to the Philly metro region. First, there will likely be occasional showers this afternoon, tonight and on Friday and perhaps a thunderstorm or two mixed in as well. Then, a soaking rain is likely on Friday night and Saturday as a significant storm heads to the Mid-Atlantic coastline. On Sunday, Mother’s Day, while there will be some improvement, the atmosphere will remain quite unstable with cold air aloft associated with another deep upper-level low. This instability should lead to some clouds and a couple of showers cannot be ruled out. In addition, Sunday will remain quite cool for this time of year and the breeze will be noticeable. Much warmer air will blast into the Northeast US by the middle of next week.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

Vencore, Inc.