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7:00 AM | *A frosty start to the day as chilly pattern continues...major storm threat continues for the weekend with heavy rain potential for us*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *A frosty start to the day as chilly pattern continues...major storm threat continues for the weekend with heavy rain potential for us*

Paul Dorian

6-Day Philadelphia Forecast


After a frosty start to the day, mainly sunny skies will boost afternoon temperatures to the low-to-mid 50’s which is below-normal for this time of year (normal high is 65 degrees at PHL)


Mainly cloudy, not as cold as last night, lows in the lower 40’s


Mainly sunny, a bit milder, near 60 degrees for afternoon highs

Tuesday Night

Partly cloudy, cold, near 40 degrees for late night lows


Mainly sunny, breezy, cooler, lower 50’s


Mainly sunny, cold, upper 40’s


Partly sunny, still chilly, near 50 degrees


Thickening clouds with a chance of rain, still chilly, lower 50’s


The colder-than-normal weather pattern that set up after the passage of Hurricane Michael will continue right into the end of the month. High pressure on top of the region today will push to the east and give way to another cold frontal system later Tuesday that will usher in a renewed chilly air mass for the middle and latter parts of the week. High pressure will resume control of the weather following the frontal passage and we’ll experience plenty of sunshine to go along with the below-normal temperatures. There are still strong signs for a big storm to form this weekend somewhere near or along the east coast with heavy rain potential for us...we’ll continue to monitor that possibility over the next few days.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.