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7:00 AM | *Soaking rain event this weekend with the heaviest rain tomorrow night into early Sunday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Soaking rain event this weekend with the heaviest rain tomorrow night into early Sunday*

Paul Dorian

6-Day DC Forecast


Mainly cloudy, not as cold as yesterday, highs in the low-to-mid 40’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, lows in the mid 30’s


Mainly cloudy, milder, afternoon rain is likely, lower 50's

Saturday Night

Periods of rain, some of the rain will be heavy at times, mild, upper 40's for overnight lows


Mainly cloudy, even warmer, more rain is likely and some can be heavy at times, lower 60's


Mainly cloudy, cooler, chance of showers, upper 40’s


Partly sunny, chilly, chance of showers, mid 40’s


Partly sunny, milder, chance of rain, low-to-mid 50’s


A soaking rain event is headed to the area for the upcoming weekend and it should result in 1.5-2.5 inches of rain by the end of the weekend. The heaviest rain will likely occur later tomorrow night into early Sunday, but this will be a rather long precipitation event with about a 24-hour period of rainfall from later Saturday to later Sunday. High pressure pushes off the east coast today and this will open the door for Gulf of Mexico moisture to ride northward from the Deep South towards the Mid-Atlantic. In addition, Atlantic Ocean moisture will feed into this slow-moving low pressure system as low-level winds turn to an east-to-southeast direction early this weekend. It’ll turn slightly milder later today compared to yesterday, but there will be plenty of clouds around as a weak disturbance passes by to our north. Even milder air moves in for the weekend to accompany the soaking rain event and temperatures should pass the 60 degree mark by Sunday afternoon.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.