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7:00 AM | *Another heavy rain event for the Tennessee Valley*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Another heavy rain event for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

6-Day Huntsville Forecast


Mainly cloudy, quite breezy, much milder, highs in the lower 60’s


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of showers and thunderstorms, lows near 50 degrees


Mainly cloudy, mild, periods of rain, maybe a thunderstorm, some of the rain can be heavy, near 60 degrees for afternoon highs

Saturday Night

Mainly cloudy, mild, more showers, maybe a thunderstorm, some of the rain can be heavy, upper 50’s for overnight lows


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of showers, maybe a thunderstorm, some of the rain can be heavy, near 60 degrees


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of showers, upper 50’s


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of showers, near 60 degrees


Mainly cloudy, mild, chance of showers, maybe a thunderstorm, lower 60’s


An active weather pattern continues across much of the nation and a heavy rain event is headed to northern Alabama for the weekend with some areas likely to receive more than two inches of rainfall by the time Sunday night rolls around. After dry weather through much of today, the chance for rain will increase tonight and that threat will continue right though the upcoming weekend and it looks like a significant rain event with thunderstorms included. Moisture-laden low pressure will track along a frontal boundary zone and right through the Tennessee Valley over the next couple of days following high pressure that pushes off the east coast today. The unsettled weather will include rather mild conditions this weekend and early next week with highs likely reaching the 60 degree mark on multiple days.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.