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7:00 AM | A spring wonderland!


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | A spring wonderland!

Paul Dorian

6-Day Philadelphia Forecast


Becoming partly sunny, breezy, cold, highs near 40 degrees


Partly cloudy, cold, lows in the mid-to-upper 20’s


Mainly sunny, cold, slight chance of a snow shower, near 40 degrees for afternoon highs

Friday Night

Partly cloudy, cold, mid 20’s for overnight lows


Mainly sunny, cold, lower 40’s


Partly sunny, still quite chilly, near 40 degrees


Partly sunny, cold, lower 40’s


Partly sunny, a bit milder, near 50 degrees


Low pressure is pulling away from the coastline today and we’ll have some clearing skies, but it stays quite cold for this time of year. The next low pressure system to watch will drop southeast from the Northern Plains this weekend and it could slide far enough to our south to spare the region of another round of snow– but it is still too close for comfort and bears watching. After that system passes, it looks like it’ll get somewhat warmer next week, but that warm up may just be temporary as colder air is likely to return as we begin April. A sampling of snowfall reports: Valley Forge 9.5", Norristown 13.1", King of Prussia 10.4" and Philly Airport 7.6".

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Vencore, Inc.