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7:00 AM | **Hurricane "Delta" a major threat to the north-central Gulf coast**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Hurricane "Delta" a major threat to the north-central Gulf coast**

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for Huntsville, Alabama


Mainly sunny, warm, highs in the lower 80’s


Mainly clear, turning cooler, lows in the mid 50’s


Partly sunny, warm, near 85 degrees for afternoon highs

Thursday Night

Mainly cloudy, mild, maybe a shower or two, near 60 degrees for late night lows


Mainly cloudy, warm, chance of showers, mid 70’s


Mainly cloudy, breezy, warm, muggy, chance of showers and thunderstorms, mid 70’s


Partly sunny, breezy, warm, chance of showers, upper 70’s


Mainly sunny, warm, near 80 degrees


During the past 24-36 hours, Hurricane “Delta” has undergone rapid intensification – the most extreme for an October tropical cyclone since “Wilma” in the super-charged year of 2005. Hurricane “Delta” is now pounding the northeastern part of the Yucatan Peninsula region of Mexico. After that, “Delta” may make a direct hit on the north-central Gulf coastal region (e.g., southwestern Louisiana) by late Friday or so and then take a turn to the north and east once inland with significant rainfall in the Deep South and Tennessee Valley – perhaps even bringing some late weekend rainfall all the way to the Mid-Atlantic region.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.