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7:00 AM | **"Delta" a major threat to the north-central Gulf coast...could bring us rain by Sunday/Monday**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **"Delta" a major threat to the north-central Gulf coast...could bring us rain by Sunday/Monday**

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Mainly sunny, windy, warmer, highs near 80 degrees


Mainly clear, breezy, turning cooler, lows in the lower 50's


Mainly sunny, breezy, cooler, upper 60’s for afternoon highs

Thursday Night

Mainly clear, chilly, mid-to-upper 40’s for overnight lows


Mainly sunny, still on the cool side, upper 60’s


Partly sunny, warmer, mid 70’s


Mainly cloudy, comfortable, chance of rain, lower 70’s


Mainly cloudy, a bit cooler, chance of rain, mid-to-upper 60’s


High pressure will control the weather again today providing us with plenty of sunshine a warmer conditions compared to Tuesday. Strong low pressure will pass by well to our northwest later in the day and drag a cool front through the area ushering in cooler air for the next couple of days. High pressure will then resume control at the end of the week and for the beginning part of the weekend – after that, attention will turn to the southern states. Hurricane “Delta” has rapidly intensified during the past couple of days and may have a direct impact on the north-central Gulf coastal region by the early part of the weekend. Once inland, the remnants of Hurricane “Delta” are likely to run to the north and east bringing significant rainfall to the Deep South and Tennessee Valley. In fact, the remains of “Delta” could result in some rainfall around here by the late stages of the upcoming weekend.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.