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7:00 AM | ****Wild weather day with heavy rain, potential damaging wind gusts of 60+ mph, possible PM severe storms...power outages on the table****


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ****Wild weather day with heavy rain, potential damaging wind gusts of 60+ mph, possible PM severe storms...power outages on the table****

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Washington, D.C. metro region


A stormy day to start the week…Occasional showers and thunderstorms, some of the rain will be heavy at times and some of the PM storms can be severe, very windy with damaging wind gusts of 60+ mph, watch out for localized flooding, power outages are possible, warm, highs in the mid-to-upper 70’s


An evening shower possible then becoming partly cloudy, windy, colder, lows in the mid 40’s


Partly sunny, cool, mid-to-upper 50’s for afternoon highs

Tuesday Night

Mainly cloudy, cold, rain and/or snow showers possible late, near 40 degrees


Mainly cloudy cool, rain and/or snow showers possible in the AM, near 50 degrees


Partly sunny, chilly, mid-to-upper 50’s


Partly sunny, cool, chance of showers, near 60 degrees


Partly sunny, cool, chance of showers, near 60 degrees


Wild weather is in store for the region today as a powerful cold front advances towards the east coast trailing a deep and intensifying low pressure system now over the Great Lakes. There will be occasional showers and thunderstorms and some of the rain will be heavy at times…watch out for localized flooding. There is the chance that some of the thunderstorms reach severe levels later today with hail a possibility and even isolated tornadoes. It’ll be very windy throughout the day with the potential for damaging wind gusts of 60+ mph and these winds can occur with or without the development of severe thunderstorms. Watch out for downed tree limbs and unfortunately, there is the chance for power outages. Much colder air moves in overnight and then a weaker low pressure system could produce some precipitation tomorrow night into Wednesday – perhaps even cold enough for some wet snow to be mixed in.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.