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6:00 AM | *****Brunt of long-lasting major winter storm comes later today/tonight with significant additional accumulations*****


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

6:00 AM | *****Brunt of long-lasting major winter storm comes later today/tonight with significant additional accumulations*****

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania metro region


Any mixed precipitation early this morning will change back to all snow by late morning or mid-day and it will become heavy at times, windy, cold, highs in the lower 30’s; N-NE winds at 15-20 mph; gusts to 35 mph


Mainly cloudy with snow, heavy at times, windy, cold, lows in the mid-to-upper 20’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, occasional snow or snw showers, windy, cold, mid 30’s for afternoon highs

Tuesday Night

Mainly cloudy, windy, cold, maybe a snow shower or two, mid 20’s for late night lows


Partly sunny, windy, cold, mid 30’s


Mainly sunny, breezy, cold, mid-to-upper 30’s


Mainly cloudy, milder, chance for rain and/or snow showers, lower 40’s


Partly sunny chilly, lower 40’s


Low pressure will intensify off the Mid-Atlantic coastline today and push very slowly to the north as it encounters a blocking pattern in the atmosphere. The brunt of this winter storm will take place from later today into tonight as heavier rounds of precipitation work their way across eastern Pennsylvania and the winds will pick up in intensity as well. Any mixed precipitation this morning should change back to all snow by late morning or mid-day as colder air wraps around the intensifying storm off the Mid-Atlantic coastline and significant additional accumulations are likely. Given very strong dynamics in the upper atmosphere, there is the potential for “mesoscale” or small-scale banding later today and tonight containing brief outbursts of very heavy snow and possible rumbles of thunder. Total snow accumulations from this storm by later tomorrow can surpass a foot in the Philly metro region.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.