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7:00 AM | *An unsettled start to the holiday weekend..."Elsa" has reached hurricane status*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *An unsettled start to the holiday weekend..."Elsa" has reached hurricane status*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Washington, D.C. metro region


Mainly cloudy with additional showers and perhaps a thunderstorm or two, not as warm as recent days, humid, highs in the upper 70’s; NW winds at 5-10 mph


Mainly cloudy in the evening with a lingering chance of showers, turning cooler late, lows near 60 degrees


Partly sunny and on the cool side for early July, chance of showers and thunderstorms, upper 70’s for afternoon highs

Saturday Night

Mainly cloudy, cool, chance of showers and thunderstorms, near 60 degrees for late night lows


Partly-to-mostly sunny, a bit warmer, cannot rule out a couple of residual showers or a thunderstorm, lower 80’s


Plenty of sunshine, warmer, upper 80’s


Mainly sunny, even warmer, low-to-mid 90’s


Mainly sunny, very warm, chance of showers and thunderstorms, lower 90’s


A cold frontal system has stalled out near the east coast and this will keep it unsettled in the Mid-Atlantic region through tonight with additional showers and perhaps a thunderstorm or two. An upper-level low will move directly overhead by tomorrow and this will continue to result in unsettled conditions with threat of showers as we begin the holiday weekend. A shower or thunderstorm cannot be ruled for Sunday, July 4th, but the weather should improve some by then and then the off-day on Monday, July 5th, is likely to feature the most sunshine of the 3-day weekend and also the warmest conditions with highs at least well up in the 80’s. Elsewhere, “Elsa” has reached hurricane status this morning and threatens Hispaniola (especially on the Haiti side), Jamaica and Cuba later this weekend and then the SE US/Gulf of Mexico early next week…stay tuned.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian