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7:00 AM | ***Significant storm threat continues in the eastern US for later Sunday into Monday***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Significant storm threat continues in the eastern US for later Sunday into Monday***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the New York City metro region


Partly sunny, milder, highs in the mid 40’s; Light and variable winds


Mainly cloudy, cold, lows in the lower 30’s


Mainly sunny, windy, colder, near 40 degrees for afternoon highs

Friday Night             

Mainly clear, bitter cold, windy, near 10 degrees for late night lows           


Partly sunny, very cold, breezy, lower 20’s


Increasing clouds, cold, chance of snow late in the day or at night, a mix of rain, sleet, snow possible late at night, lower 30’s


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance of snow, ice and/or rain, upper 30’s


Mainly sunny, windy, cold, mid 30’s


Many ingredients appear to be coming together for a storm system that can have a high impact over the eastern third of the nation from later this weekend into Monday with snow, ice, rain, coastal flooding, and even high (damaging) winds on the table. There are many details that still have to be ironed out with a few days to go before this event and the main wave of energy of interest in the upper atmosphere is just now nearing the US NW coast from the Pacific Ocean.  As it stands now, the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor may receive an accumulation of snow on the front-end of this storm system. The immediate I-95 corridor region may end up being the dividing line between a substantial snowfall to the north and west and a snow-to-ice-to-rain scenario to the south and east. Looking beyond the storm, the overall weather pattern likely remains quite a bit colder-than-normal for much of the second half of the month.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather