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7:00 AM | ***Some snow likely early Thursday as next cold blast arrives...early weekend storm threat with even greater snow potential***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Some snow likely early Thursday as next cold blast arrives...early weekend storm threat with even greater snow potential***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania metro region


A mix of sun and clouds, still quite windy, cold, maybe a snow shower, highs in the mid-to-upper 30’s; W-NW winds at 10-20 mph; gusts to 30 mph


Partly cloudy, cold, winds die down, lows in the mid 20’s


Partly sunny, breezy, milder, mid 40’s for afternoon highs

Wednesday Night             

Mainly cloudy, cold, rain likely to develop and it can change to snow by daybreak, near 30 degrees for late night lows           


Mainly cloudy in the morning with some snow likely, partly sunny in the afternoon, breezy, cold, low-to-mid 30’s


Mainly sunny early, clouds late, even colder, low-to-mid 20’s; chance of snow at night


Mainly cloudy, cold, chance of snow, mid-to-upper 20’s


Partly sunny, cold, low-to-mid 30’s


The overall weather pattern looks active and quite cold for the next couple of weeks with multiple snow threats and cold air outbreaks on the table.  The first threat of snow will come early Thursday with the arrival of the next Arctic air mass. Low pressure is likely to form along the incoming frontal boundary zone and overnight rain can change to a period of snow early on Thursday. This looks like a minor-to-moderate type of event - perhaps on the order of a coating to 2 or 3 inches - but the timing may not be all that good as it could coincide with the AM rush hour on Thursday. Very cold air will follow for Thursday night and Friday as we get well into the next Arctic air mass. Looking ahead, there is the threat for more snow on Friday night and Saturday and this one has a great deal of potential. One question at this point is how far north up the coast this system can come late in the week as it moves along the same stalled-out frontal boundary zone…stay tuned…an interesting couple of weeks.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather