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7:00 AM | **Much the same today with low pressure just off the coast...noticeable improvement on Thursday...much cooler again this weekend**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | **Much the same today with low pressure just off the coast...noticeable improvement on Thursday...much cooler again this weekend**

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, PA metro region


Overcast skies, windy and very chilly with occasional rain or drizzle, an isolated thunderstorm possible, highs in the lower 50’s (normal high at PHL is 72 degrees); N-NE winds at 10-20 mph; gusts to 30 mph


Cloudy, windy, chilly, occasional rain or drizzle, an isolated thunderstorm possible, lows in the upper 40’s


Mainly cloudy in the morning with occasional showers still possible, maybe some brightening skies in the afternoon, breezy, not quite as cool, near 60 degrees 

Wednesday Night             

Partly cloudy, chilly, mid-to-upper 40’s


Mainly sunny, nice, lower 70’s  


Mainly sunny, nice, lower 70’s


Mainly sunny, noticeably cooler, mid-to-upper 50’s


Partly sunny, cool, near 60 degrees


Stubborn low pressure off the Mid-Atlantic coastline will impact the Mid-Atlantic region into later tomorrow with occasional rain, persistent winds and coastal flooding will continue to be a problem at times of high tide. In terms of temperatures, if you think this is colder-than-normal for early October, you would be correct. The normal high at Philly Airport is around 72 degrees on this date and some spots in the region may indeed set a record today for “lowest maximum temperature”. By later tomorrow, this lingering low pressure system will finally be able to exit out into the open waters of the Atlantic as the next frontal system begins to head this way from Canada. There will be noticeable improvement in the weather on Thursday and then a strong cold front crosses the region on Friday paving the way for much cooler-than-normal conditions again here this weekend.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather