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7:00 AM | ***Unusually cold to start off the week with strong NW winds and threat of snow showers/squalls...chill sticks around until mid-week***


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | ***Unusually cold to start off the week with strong NW winds and threat of snow showers/squalls...chill sticks around until mid-week***

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania metro region


Unusually cold today despite partly sunny skies, windy, snow showers are likely during the mid-day and afternoon hours and perhaps a heavier snow squall, highs in the lower 30’s; NW winds at 10-20 mph; gusts to 30 mph (normal high at PHL is 56 degrees)


Partly cloudy, very cold, chance of flurries in the evening, lows not far from 20 degrees


Mainly sunny, cold, breezy, lower 40’s

Tuesday Night             

Becoming mainly cloudy, quite cold, mid 20’s for late night lows       


Mainly cloudy, still cold, chance of a bit of rain, sleet and/or snow, low-to-mid 40’s


Mainly cloudy, becoming much warmer, windy, showers likely, maybe a thunderstorm, near 70 degrees  


Partly sunny, cooler, breezy, chance of showers, mid 50’s


Partly sunny, cool, low-to-mid 50’s


The week will start off with temperatures far below-normal for the latter stages of March and afternoon highs confined to the lower 30’s. In fact, if we manage to stay below freezing today - which is not at all out of the question - it would be one of the latest ever recorded in the winter/early spring season. In addition to the cold, the winds will remain quite strong producing even lower wind chills and snow showers are likely to become quite numerous in the Mid-Atlantic region during the mid-day and afternoon hours. The atmosphere will become unstable after a couple hours of “spring-strength” sunshine combined with winter-like cold conditions aloft. Any snow shower or heavier snow squall can put down a quick minor accumulation during the mid-day or afternoon hours. Warmer air to our south and west will make an advance in this direction at mid-week and the initial overrunning of the cold air may result in a bit of rain, sleet or snow on Wednesday. Dramatically warmer air will win out by Thursday and there will b a chance of showers and thunderstorms as a strong cold front approaches from the west.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather