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7:00 AM | *Nice fall-like weather through the remainder of the work week...storm forms just off SE US coastline at week's end and will be monitored*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *Nice fall-like weather through the remainder of the work week...storm forms just off SE US coastline at week's end and will be monitored*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Philadelphia, PA metro region


Mainly sunny, comfortable, breezy, highs in the lower 70’s; NW winds increasing to 10-20 mph


Mainly clear, quite cool, lows near 50 degrees


Mainly sunny, nice, mid 70’s for afternoon highs

Wednesday Night             

Mainly clear, quite cool, low-to-mid 50’s for late night lows


Mainly sunny, pleasant, mid 70’s


Sunshine followed by increasing clouds, comfortable, mid 70’s


Mainly cloudy, breezy and cool, chance of rain, near 70 degrees


Mainly cloudy, still breezy and cool with showers possible, lower 70’s


The weather looks very nice in the Mid-Atlantic region from today through Friday, but the weekend could feature some rain depending on the movement of a storm that forms off of the Southeast US coastline. High pressure builds into the region today and will be in control through Friday generating plenty of sunshine each day along with fall-like temperatures. A storm is likely to form at week’s end and then move in a general northward direction. Whether there is a direct hit here or a glancing blow is still a bit too early to determine. This system could take on tropical characteristics and will interact act with strong high pressure to the north to generate persistent onshore flow along the coast.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather