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7:00 AM | *A couple of quite cool days in the region with the 30's for overnight lows...comet watch continues*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *A couple of quite cool days in the region with the 30's for overnight lows...comet watch continues*

Paul Dorian

6-Day forecast for the Huntsville, Alabama metro region


Clouds early give way to mainly sunny skies, breezy, cool, highs in the middle 60’s; N-NW winds around 5-15 mph


Partly cloudy, breezy, cold, patchy fog possible late, lows in the upper 30’s


Mainly sunny, even cooler, breezy, near 60 degrees for afternoon highs  

Wednesday Night             

Mainly clear, cold, patchy frost possible late, near 35 degrees for late night lows


Mainly sunny, still cool, middle 60’s


Mainly sunny, warmer, near 70 degrees


Mainly sunny, nice, low-to-mid 70’s


Mainly sunny, warm, mid-to-upper 70’s


A strong cold front pushed through the region on Monday and ushered in the coolest air mass of the season so far. Temperatures this afternoon will hold in the middle 60’s for highs and then even lower on Wednesday afternoon close to the 60-degree mark. This chilly air outbreak will be somewhat short-lived and warmer conditions are going to return to the Tennessee Valley later in the week.

One other note, a comet should continue to be visible in the low western sky during each of the next few evenings given favorable sky conditions and “dark enough” environmental conditions….rough time period for viewing is 45 minutes after sunset.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Arcfield Weather