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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

WMA Monday Forecast - Much cooler for the entire week

Paul Dorian

Canadian high pressure will build overhead during the early and middle portion of the week and our high temperatures will be much cooler than last week when we had six straight days of 90+ degrees. Temperatures last week ended up flirting with the 100 degree mark on Wednesday and Thursday, but will be hard-pressed to top 80 degrees over the next few days. By the end of the work week an area of low pressure may begin to gather some moisture along the east coast and this could enhance our chances for showers and thunderstorms by week’s end. Today- mostly sunny, cool breeze, pleasant temperatures, near 80 (normal high is now 83)

Tonight- partly cloudy, cool, near 60

Tues- more clouds than sun, a few afternoon showers likely and possibly even a thunderstorm, near 80

Wed- mostly sunny, pleasant, near 80

Thurs- mostly cloudy, a chance for a shower or thunderstorm, still pleasant temperatures, near 80

Fri- mostly cloudy with a couple of showers and thunderstorms likely later in the day and at night, low 80’s