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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

8:50 AM | More flooding concerns in the Mid-Atlantic from Monday PM to Thursday due to the combination of a cold front and Tropical Storm Lee

Paul Dorian

Today will feature some sun with more very warm and humid conditions in the Mid-Atlantic and nothing more than a spotty shower or thunderstorm. A couple of showers and thunderstorms are possible tonight and Monday morning and then more numerous showers and thudnerstorms are likely later Monday afternoon and Monday night as a cold front approaches the area and some of this rain could fall heavily at times. This cold front will then act as a conduit for the moisture from Tropical Storm Lee to ride along in the mid-week time period from late Tuesday into Thursday. The combination of the cold front and the remains of Lee, which came ashore this morning in Louisiana as a tropical storm, will generate enough rain around here to raise flooding concerns in the Mid-Atlantic as many locations could receive at least another few inches of rain over the next 5 days. By the end of the week, Katia will come close to skirting the east coast and a new tropical system is likely to be heading into the Gulf of Mexico region.