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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

8:30 AM | Tropical pattern continues today with more showers and storms

Paul Dorian

6-Day Forecast


Mild with occasional showers and possibly another thunderstorm, some of the rain can be heavy at times, flash flooding remains a serious threat, highs near 80


Cloudy with occasional showers and possibly a thunderstorm, some of the rain will be heavy, mild, lows in the upper 60’s


Mostly cloudy, still the chance for a few showers and thunderstorms, warm, near 80


Partly sunny, chance for a couple of showers and thunderstorms, warm, low 80’s


Partly sunny, chance for a shower and thunderstorm, warm, near 80


Partly sunny, warm, near 80


Mostly sunny, warm, highs near 80


The “atmospheric fire hose” that quickly dumped nearly 3 inches of rain yesterday at National Airport is not quite through with us yet. Tropical moisture is still in place and more showers and thunderstorms can redevelop later today and continue into tonight, but the overall trend beginning tomorrow will be for some improvement in the weather. The rain will become much more scattered tomorrow and much of the upcoming weekend will be rain-free although a shower or thunderstorm cannot be ruled out on either day. There are more tropical troubles brewing, however, and we’ll have to monitor the progress next week of Tropical Storm Nate in the Gulf of Mexico and Tropical Storm Maria in the Atlantic.

