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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

1:45 PM | Record-breaking warmth in the Mid-Atlantic, but it could be some 45 degrees colder come Monday night

Paul Dorian


Our unusually warm weather of the past couple of weeks is peaking today in the Mid-Atlantic region with numerous high temperature records going down. The following Mid-Atlantic locations have already broken the record for today as temperatures creep towards the 80 degree mark in many spots:

Trenton, NJ; Reading, PA; Westhampton Beach, NY; Lancaster, PA; Newark, NJ; McGuire AFB, NJ; LaGuardia Airport, NY; Atlantic City, NJ; Allentown, PA, White Plains, NY.

As of 1PM, Philadelphia International Airport in South Philly and Central Park in New York City are right on the cusp of record highs. However, winds have shifted to the NE in those areas behind another "backdoor" cold front so records are not a given; especially, in New York City. The weekend will begin a notceable cooling trend with some rain moving in and then a strong cold front will come through the region from the north later on Monday. This early week cold front will usher in some of the chilliest Canadian air that we’ve experienced in quite awhile and temperatures Monday night will drop to the 30’s in most Mid-Atlantic locations – some 45 degrees colder than this afternoon’s record-breaking (or near record-breaking) warmth.