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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

12:45 PM | Heavy rain and severe weather later today and tonight along the I-95 corridor from DC to Philly to NYC

Paul Dorian


The combination of an impressive upper-level disturbance, hot and humid air, and a meandering frontal system is setting the stage for heavy rain and severe weather for later today and tonight across much of the I-95 corridor from DC to Philly to NYC. The daytime heating will destabilize the atmosphere in this region and then the upper-level disturbance will provide some additional lifting in the atmosphere later today and tonight and the result will likely be heavy showers and scattered strong-to-severe storms up and down along the I-95 corridor. The storms will be slow-moving and can contain torrential rainfall, damaging wind gusts, frequent lightning and possible hail. Sunday brings another threat for more showers and thunderstorms as the unsettled weather pattern continues.