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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

1:00 PM | Tropical Storm Leslie bears some watching for those along the east coast

Paul Dorian


As the effects of Isaac wind down over the next few days, another tropical system way out in the Atlantic bears some watching. Tropical Storm Leslie has formed near 15°N 48°W and it is on the verge of becoming a hurricane. The latest measurements have winds sustained at 65 mph with a movement to the WNW at 16 mph. It’ll likely become a hurricane within a few days as it continues on this same path to the WNW; however, it might slow down a bit. Some computer forecast models have the system turning harmlessly away from the east coast by the middle or latter part of next week; however, there is some reason to believe that this may not happen quite that way and Leslie could very well come uncomfortably close to the east coast by next weekend or early the following week; especially in New England. All of this potential activity near the east coast wouldn’t be for at least 7-10 days so stay tuned for updates as we progres,s through next week.