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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

10:20 AM | Wind damage is the primary threat late today and early tonight, but a tornado threat is also expected

Paul Dorian


A powerhouse cold front will put the I-95 corridor from DC-to-Boston in the risk zone late today and early tonight for severe thunderstorms with damaging wind gusts of >60 mph and even isolated tornadoes cannot be ruled out. Thunderstorms that develop today will also be capable of producing hail, frequent lightning and heavy rainfall. The timing for this activity along the I-95 corridor appears to be roughly between 3 and 10PM when lines of showers and storms will head from west-to-east along with the cold frontal system. The atmosphere is setting up for this severe weather threat with a very dynamic upper-level feature, lots of low-level wind shear, and, as daytime heating occurs, an increasingly unstable sultry air mass in place ahead of the front. Cooler, less humid, and much calmer weather is in store for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.