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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

11:45 AM | Let it snow, let it snow! White Christmas is coming!

Paul Dorian


Christmas Eve snow has broken out this morning across central Virginia and it is heading in a general northeasterly direction towards the big cities of DC, Baltimore, Philly and NYC along the I-95 corridor. The northern and western suburbs of all of these big cities should see accumulating snow, possibly with some sleet and/or rain mixed in at times, on the order of a coating to a couple of inches by later tonight and there will be isolated spots with as much as 3 or 4 inches. In the cities and to their south and east, a mixture of precipitation will fall with slighty lesser amounts of accumulations. The timetable for the precipitation is as follows: arrives in the DC metro region by early afternoon, mid-afternoon in Baltimore, late afternoon in Philly and early tonight across the NYC metro region. This storm is a quick hitter and should pull out by Christmas morning, but it should succeed in producing a white Christmas for most Mid-Atlantic locations from DC to Philly to NYC. Much of Tuesday will turn out to be partly sunny and moderately cold and then a big storm will affect the Mid-Atlantic on Wednesday and Thursday with a variety of precipitation along I-95 - a major snowstorm is likely for inland locations (e.g. central PA). More on that storm later – stay tuned as there are still details to work out.