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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

2:45 PM | **Most serious threat tonight/early Wednesday is a significant buildup of ice**

Paul Dorian


Ice storm tonight/early Wednesday Yet another storm will impact the Mid-Atlantic region from later this evening through Wednesday morning and the most serious threat from this system is a significant buildup of ice - not accumulating snow. Precipitation should begin as snow in the Philly metro region before midnight and it could accumulate 1-3 inches before changing to sleet and freezing rain after just a couple of hours. Freezing rain is then likely for the remainder of the night generating an icy buildup and slick driving conditions on untreated surfaces. The icy buildup (one-tenth to one-quarter of an inch) will also become a threat to tree limbs and power lines given its weight on top of any residual heavy, wet snow. By early morning, “plain” rain is likely in the city of Philadelphia, but freezing on some surfaces will continue for awhile in the northern and western suburbs. “Plain” rain is likely in the suburbs by mid-morning as temperatures finally creep above freezing in those locations. All areas will see an end to the precipitation during the mid-day hours.

NYC and DC Elsewhere, the NYC region will see a gradual transition from snow-to-ice after midnight with 3-6 inches of snow possible (higher amounts in that range to the north) before any changeover to sleet and freezing rain. A wintry mix is likely to continue through much of the day on Wednesday; especially, in the northern and western suburbs, producing an icy buildup on top of the fresh snowpack.

In the DC metro region, sleet and freezing rain will move in before midnight and generate an icy buildup in the northern and western suburbs in the overnight hours. “Plain” rain is likely in the District by the early morning hours and in the suburbs by mid-morning. All areas will see an end to the precipitation during the mid-day hours.