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1:35 PM | *70’s likely on Friday ahead of a strong cold front and, believe it or not, snow is on the table for early next week in at least parts of the Mid-Atlantic*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

1:35 PM | *70’s likely on Friday ahead of a strong cold front and, believe it or not, snow is on the table for early next week in at least parts of the Mid-Atlantic*

Paul Dorian

Strong, cold high pressure to our north on Sunday will be the anchor for a cold air mass in the NE US and Mid-Atlantic region; map courtesy NOAA,


An active weather pattern continues across the nation and this will lead to more chances of rain for the Mid-Atlantic region and also quite a topsy-turvy temperature pattern. In fact, temperatures could climb well up into the 70’s on Friday in at least parts of the Mid-Atlantic region ahead of a strong cold frontal system.  That cold front will usher in progressively colder air for the weekend and there is actually a chance for some snow early next week in the Mid-Atlantic region as moisture is likely to advance to the northeast and into a cold air mass that will be slow to retreat.

A cold air mass for this time of year will still be in place early Monday across the Mid-Atlantic/NE US although it will soon after retreat to the north and east; map courtesy NOAA,


A weak cold front will cross the region later today and high pressure will take over tonight and on Wednesday with cool and rain-free conditions. Low pressure and its attendant warm front will impact us with rain later tomorrow night into early Thursday and some of the rain can be heavy at times. A strong cold front is likely to arrive here by late Friday with additional showers, maybe even a strong thunderstorm. It’ll turn milder on Thursday and then very warm on Friday ahead of the strong cold front with highs on Friday in the 70’s all along the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor.  This strong cold front, however, will pave the way for a progressively colder weekend with highs likely confined to the middle 40’s by Sunday afternoon.

12Z GFS surface forecast map for early Monday with snow (in blue) for parts of the Mid-Atlantic region; map courtesy NOAA,

As we start the new week on Monday, strong high pressure will be centered over the Northeast US and southeastern Canada and it will be the anchor for an entrenched cold air mass.  This cold, dense air mass will be reluctant to retreat to the north and east on Monday at the same time moisture advances this way from the south-central US.  There is a chance the moisture arrives in time for some snow on Monday in at least parts of the Mid-Atlantic region and quite likely for snow to occur in New York State and interior New England.  The best chance for snow in the Mid-Atlantic region will be in higher elevation locations to the north and west of Route I-95. Ultimately, milder air is likely to push into the Mid-Atlantic region resulting in a changeover to plain rain if indeed there is some snow at the onset…stay tuned, something we’ll monitor closely in coming days.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.

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