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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: Historic Events

10:15 AM | *Remembering the Tuskegee Weathermen...the Army created a program in 1941 to induct and train what would eventually amount to more than 14,000 airmen...some of whom became weathermen*

Paul Dorian

Running for his third presidential term, Franklin Roosevelt made a 1940 campaign promise to allow for the training of African American military pilots. In cooperation with the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama which was founded by Booker T. Washington in 1881, the Army created a program in 1941 to induct and train what would eventually amount to more than 14,000 airmen, of whom about 1,000 would become pilots; the others became navigators, bombardiers, radio operators, administrators, support personnel - and some became weathermen.

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11:30 AM | *Saturday marked the 65th anniversary of “The Day the Music Died” and the weather played a major role...February 3rd, 1959*

Paul Dorian

It was a little past 1 AM on February 3rd, 1959 when American musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson were killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa along with pilot Roger Peterson.  Weather conditions were certainly contributing factors in the plane crash as there was poor visibility on that cold night with snow blowing across the runway. Hours before, Holly and his tour mates were on the eleventh night of their “Winter Dance Party” tour through the snow-covered Midwest.  It was a Monday and a school night, but 1,100 teenagers crammed into the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa for two sold out shows with the second one ending around midnight.  The event later became known as “The Day the Music Died” after singer-songwriter Don McLean referred to it as such in his 1971 song “American Pie”. 

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7:15 AM | *Weather and the pivotal “Battle of Trenton” on December 25-26, 1776*

Paul Dorian

December 1776 was a desperate time for George Washington and the American Revolution.  Morale was low, hope for winning the war was diminishing, and the Continental Army led by George Washington was thinning in numbers after many battles lost to the British.  December began with lots of rain and muddy travel conditions for the men which did not help with their spirits.  After retreating through New Jersey, they set up camp on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River where the army was met with very cold weather that led to plenty of ice on the water.  All in all, things were not looking good for Washington's army.  However, George Washington devised a plan that would change the course of the war and the history of our nation.  

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7:15 AM | *The role of the weather on December 7th, 1941 - "a date which will live in infamy” - and a little known important indirect benefit from the weather*

Paul Dorian

The weather on Oahu, Hawaii in the early morning hours of Sunday, December 7th, 1941 was not at all unusual for the time of year with mild temperatures and mainly clear skies.  Unfortunately, the weather conditions on that particular day would play a role in the bombing of the U.S. naval base by Japanese fighter planes at Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii.  As Japanese fighters crossed the Pacific Ocean, they were given hope that their mission would succeed when the announcement was made of “clouds mostly over the mounts…visibility good”.  It is believed that the decision to attack on that particular day had plenty to do with the projected favorable weather conditions.

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7:15 AM | *The role of the weather in the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963*

Paul Dorian

The weather in Dallas, Texas had been rainy and the weather forecast was for more rain on November 22nd, 1963. If the forecast had turned out to be correct with more rain on that fateful day then that would have likely meant that a plexiglass bubble top would have been used on President John F. Kennedy’s 1961 Lincoln Convertible on a planned motorcade through the Dallas metro region. But the weather cleared unexpectedly, the protective top was removed from the car, and shots rang out in the early afternoon hours at Dealey Plaza killing the 35th President and seriously wounding Texas Governor John Connally.

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7:00 AM | *It hits the airwaves this time of year and the "Wizard of Oz" tornado scene is still a classic 84 years after its release*

Paul Dorian

In a movie filled with memorable quotes, one of the shortest and simplest might have been “It’s a Twister!”, but it was part of a tornado scene that is still considered to be a classic more than eight decades later.  August 25, 1939 was the official release date of the “Wizard of Oz" which was the first movie to depict an authentic looking tornado using improbable “1930’s style” special effects. Through the decades, this all-time classic has inspired movie-goers and “weather weenies” alike with the scene of a twister lifting Dorothy’s home into the sky over rural Kansas farm land. This has become the time of the year in which many cable TV stations air this classic movie for new viewers who have never enjoyed it and for all of the old-timers out there who can watch it year after year after year (TBS, Saturday evening, November 18th, 6:30PM and again at 8:30PM).

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6:45 AM | *The role of the weather in “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” on November 10th, 1975*

Paul Dorian

Forty-eight years have passed since a major storm over the Great Lakes helped to sink the SS Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior taking the lives of all 29 crew members on November 10th, 1975. When launched on June 7, 1958, it was the largest ship on North America's Great Lakes, and to this day she remains the largest to have sunk there. The Edmund Fitzgerald was in the worst possible location during the worst weather of the ferocious storm. The wind and waves from the west hit the freighter broadside as it tried to flee south to safety in Whitefish Bay. The Edmund Fitzgerald was loaded with about 26,000 tons of taconite pellets on November 9th, 1975, at Superior, Wisconsin and was bound for Detroit, Michigan when the storm hit.

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7:15 AM | *“The Perfect Storm” - October 1991 - and the sinking of the Andrea Gail*

Paul Dorian

Rapid changes in weather can be experienced in the northeastern US during the latter stages of October as to the west, cold Canadian air masses begin to regularly drop from Canada into the Northern Plains/Upper Midwest and to the east, the Atlantic Ocean remains relatively warm as it loses its stored summer heat more slowly than the continent.  In fact, hurricanes can still form over the still relatively warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the contrast between the increasingly frequent cold air masses to the west and the warmth to the east often results in powerful storms just offshore. In late October 1991, several ingredients converged to create an immensely powerful storm that took on a few names including “The Halloween Nor’easter” or the “Unnamed Hurricane”. The most well-known name for this storm, however, is “The Perfect Storm” with a book and subsequent film of the same name.

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7:15 AM | *The weather has had a big impact on some World Series games in recent history, but this year both teams have retractable roof stadiums*

Paul Dorian

The World Series begins tonight in Arlington, Texas between the Texas Rangers and Arizona Diamondbacks and there is the threat of showers and thunderstorms. Indeed, the weather has had a big impact on some World Series games in recent history from biting cold and snow to rain and extreme heat. However, this year, both participants have retractable roof stadiums so the weather should not be an issue. The World Series can end this year as late as November 4th if all 7 games are required and - with the recently added extra playoff round - a November finish to the baseball season is going to be more common and the weather can certainly be impactful.

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7:15 AM | *Mission to Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, begins a year from now in October 2024…amazing work by Galileo 400+ years ago…send your name on the spacecraft*

Paul Dorian

Galileo turned his primitive telescope towards Jupiter in the early 1600’s and saw tiny specks of light with no discernable features. What a difference 400+ years can make as today’s backyard telescopes can resolve Europa’s disk surprisingly well. Europa is now considered one of the most complex and fascinating worlds in the solar system. Cracks, ridges, and chaotic terrain on the moon's icy crust may offer access to one of the largest oceans in the solar system--and a possible abode for aquatic life. NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft, due to launch one year from now in October 2024, will conduct a detailed reconnaissance of the moon's surface to help plan future missions including a lander and perhaps even a submarine.

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