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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

2:15 PM | Some signs of winter

Paul Dorian


Not too surprisingly, as we transition from November to December there are increasing signs that winter weather may finally re-appear in the Mid-Atlantic region over the next few weeks. November will be end up being above normal temperature-wise throughout the Mid-Atlantic, but a “step-down” process to colder weather has already begun with yesterday’s strong cold frontal passage. A couple of different computer forecast models, GFS and European, are signaling that a change in the crucial North Atlantic will occur over the next couple of weeks and this could lead to increasingly colder air masses headed into the Mid-Atlantic region. A cooler air mass moved into the region overnight, and it appears that a reinforcing shot of chilly air will occur early in the weekend, and then another strong cold front is likely to pass through around next Tuesday or so. We’ll continue to monitor this potential pattern change over the next several days.

