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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

2:50 PM | "Pop-up" showers could even contain a few snowflakes or ice pellets over the next few hours

Paul Dorian


The latest radar shows numerous “pop-up” showers throughout the Mid-Atlantic region that are rotating around the stubborn storm system that has been spinning to our north over the last few days. Just to the north and west of the I-95 corridor, it has been cold enough for snow or sleet to mix in with these patches of precipitation, and it is not out of the question that a few snowflakes or ice pellets mix in with rain over the next few hours anywhere along the I-95 corridor. There have actually been some recent reports of small accumulations in the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania and in the higher elevations of western Maryland. Temperatures tonight will drop way down through the 30's in most N and W suburbs of the big cities and frost is possible in some isolated locations both late tonight and late tomorrow night. However, the weekend will see a major surge in temperatures throughout the Mid-Atlantic region with the 80’s possible by early next week.