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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

12:30 PM | Scattered strong thunderstorms from later tonight into tomorrow night in the Mid-Atlantic

Paul Dorian


Warm air is struggling to penetrate north and east into the Mid-Atlantic this afternoon from our southwest, but it will finally succeed and surge in on Friday with temperatures climbing into the 80’s across DC and Philly, and well up into the 70’s in the NYC metro region. Scattered strong thunderstorms are possible in parts of the Mid-Atlantic later tonight, but an even greater threat exists for later tomorrow and tomorrow night. The combination of the warm surge of air on Friday with an approaching cool front will likely trigger the development of scattered strong thunderstorms during the late afternoon and/or evening hours. Any strong thunderstorm that develops over the next 24-36 hours can feature brief, heavy rainfall, strong winds and an outside chance of some hail. This warm spurt, however, will be somewhat short-lived as that front will slip through the region by Saturday and, while temperatures will still be warm on Saturday, a cooling trend will begin and continue into early next week.