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11:00 AM (Sunday) | *Snow or a mix of rain and snow in much of the northern Mid-Atlantic region late tonight and early Monday*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

11:00 AM (Sunday) | *Snow or a mix of rain and snow in much of the northern Mid-Atlantic region late tonight and early Monday*

Paul Dorian

A cold air mass in place today across the Mid-Atlantic and NE US will be somewhat slow to retreat late tonight/early Monday and the result will be snow or a mix of rain and snow in many spots; map courtesy NOAA,


Unseasonably warm weather on Friday in the Mid-Atlantic region gave way to a much colder weekend following the passage of a strong cold frontal system. The cold air mass in place today across the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US is being anchored by a strong, cold high pressure now situated over the southeastern part of Canada. Moisture will advance northeastward later tonight towards the Mid-Atlantic region and our entrenched cold air mass will be reluctant to give up its ground as high pressure slides toward the Canadian Maritimes.  As a result, there is the chance for snow or a mix of rain and snow in much of the northern Mid-Atlantic region later tonight into early Monday with significant snow possible across interior, higher elevations of upstate PA, New York and New England. 

Snow or a mix of rain and snow is likely late tonight and early Monday acrossmuch of the Mid-Atlantic region; map courtesy NOAA,


Temperatures at mid-day are in the 40’s across much of the I-95 corridor as compared with the 70’s on Friday afternoon ahead of the strong cold frontal system that changed air masses in the Mid-Atlantic region and NE US.  By late today, strong, cold high pressure will be situated over the southeastern part of Canada anchoring our cold air mass and it will be slow to retreat to the northeast late tonight and early Monday.  At the same time, moisture will be advancing this way from the Tennessee Valley and it should be cold enough for snow or a mix of rain and snow late Sunday night and early Monday in at least parts of the northern Mid-Atlantic region before a changeover to plain rain.  Some of the rain that falls later in the day will come down hard at times in the I-95 corridor.  For skiers, this will be quite a beneficial snowfall with significant accumulations possible in the higher elevation regions of upstate PA and NY and interior New England. 

Accumulating snow is likely on Monday across interior higher elevation locations in upstate PA, New York and New England; map courtesy NOAA,

The overall active weather pattern that we have been experiencing in recent weeks will continue beyond this initial storm system. Yet another storm will arrive in the Mid-Atlantic region late Tuesday night and early Wednesday with additional rainfall and there is the chance for an additional storm system at week’s end.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
Perspecta, Inc.

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